Glenpark Bowling Club was formed in 1955 by breakaway members George Arkless, Bob Curry, Albert Powell and Eric Frost. It was always a small and homely bowls club yet, for its size, had many successful bowlers such as Bob Curry, Tommy Haggath, Billy Patterson and Davey Webb, all who were established County players plus several other members who went on to represent Durham E.B.F. over the years. Some of the honours Glenpark went on to achieve were the Chronicle Cup Winners in 1991, Chronicle Cup Triples Rinks in 1958 (W Patterson E Frost T Haggath) Sinclair Cup in 1984 and 1991 Marshall Cup 1975. It was unfortunate that due to a lack of people coming into the sport that Glenpark was disbanded in 2012 after 67 years.